Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ok so this is part of what I worked on -- getting all of these photos in collage format and putting them together.

I think it turned out OK -- as long as Mel doesn't think this is what I think she looks like.

It took me the entire class time to get the hang of this part but I like it.

I didn't like the images I took for the light assignment -- I will go out and take more this week.

Class 3

I didn't make it for the third class. I took a million photos, though, and bunch of Melodi, so I am excited about how they will turn out.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

the slideshow

Day 2 continued

So I am here waiting for youtube to upload my slide show. I like that we are learning to use all of these different tools and online resources to publish our photos.

A bit of history -- these photos are pretty much all of Alejandra. I had meant NOT to be the girl who shows up in class with a million pictures of her kid, but aforementioned issues got in the way. Plus, she is fun to take photos of.

Anyhow, the point was to try to tell a story -- my story is sort of, whatever happens outside in the world, we've got excitement, joy, turmoil, and other fun things going on right in the convenience of our living room.

Day 2

So it's Saturday again and I happen to have gotten here about an hour late. I had planned to get up bright and early on a sunny day, take some phenomenal photos (as the rain has foiled my plans all week) and just hop over to Alameda quickly to get Sara's animals fed before class. Knowing me and my time management skills (plus considering the Alejandra Factor, which is +12 to lag) some little alarm should have gone off in my head when I developed that plan, but no. Everything seemed just fine.

Somewhere between chupacabras and pissing rain, my lovely plans were foiled. But here is what I got together for class today. The good news is that Sara's animals are fed and there is no longer poop on her bathroom floor.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

first thing we did

is choose videos from youtube to share with the class, I think to become familiar with digital media. Here's mine:

Just started

So it looks like we are going to get our photos up on the web using blogs in this class.

Considering that it's 10 am on Saturday and I am suffering from a perennial lack of sleep, I don't have much to say...but stay tuned.